on my walk home from work… i get to trek over the university bridge.
every time i travel this bridge, i am totally overwhelmed with how exciting it is to live in a city. i once overheard a conversation between a chatty passenger trying to convince the bus driver (and i suppose anyone else eavesdropping on their conversation) about how he considers seattle to be a “world-class city”.
since then, i’ve found myself thinking, “you know puj, that passenger was right!”. i think about this often on my way home. along my walk, as i exit my office building i have a beautiful view of mount rainier, after which i take a double-leaf bascule bridge (don’t worry, i didn’t know what that meant, it was one of my wikipedia discoveries) and then continue down a tree lined winding road through a mountainbike stunt park into the city’s amazing skyline which my home faces almost too perfectly.
its nights like this that make me wish i could thank the man on the bus in person… for helping me realize, discover and appreciate the amazing city i am fortunate to be living in at the moment.
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