Congratulations to all the new couples (including myself!) who are now able to marry to their partners with support! This is about love and commitment, working together, and building a life-long trust between people.
In order to honor the passing of same-sex marriage rights in the state of Washington, I am offering 50% off all services in the state of Washington to those couples who are QUEER OR STRAIGHT if you book before the end of the year!
That’s right. This isn’t just about the gays, folks. This is about equality.
This is also about saving up to $1500 on a wedding photo package. :)
P.S. A part of the proceeds will go to HRC, so that other folks can someday celebrate too.
Links to help you out: wedding portfolio & price sheet (pdf)
1 comment in this article
June 1, 2013 @ 7:25 am
“You’d Be Surprised” was the last of the first batch of Boardwalk Empire episodes that HBO sent to critics before the season started, and for those critics who watched all five before filing their preseason reviews, I can sort of understand why they might have taken such a dismissive stance toward the show. Not that “You’d Be Surprised” is a bad episode—it’s an essential one in many ways, with multiple standout scenes—but plot-wise, it’s easily the most unfocused of this season to date, with appearances by just about every major character, but very little immediately apparent cohesion between any of its many threads. In Tabor Heights, Gyp has rough sex and strikes a side deal with Rothstein to deliver his hijacked liquor. In New York, more heroin arrives packed in Buddha statues, while across town Nucky (with the help of Chalky and Dunn) persuades Eddie Cantor to save one of Billie’s shows. In Washington, D.C., Gaston Means is keeping an eye on the investigation into Harding-administration corruption. In Chicago, Van Alden feels pressured by the prohie he met at the speakeasy a couple of episodes back. And in Atlantic City, Gillian has to face some fiscal realities, while Margaret gets her heart broken by both Nucky and her new doctor friend. I mean, this episode is just all over the place, and if you’re looking at it hoping to get some sense of what the arc of this season is going to be and how everyone fits into it, I get why you’d feel dissatisfied.